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summary: The Infill Directory is a display of potential infill sites within the 7 county insight2050 area.
tags: ["infill","infill potential","development potential","insight2050"]
snippet: The Infill Directory is a display of potential infill sites within the 7 county insight2050 area.
type: Map Service
guid: 36664228-7291-4C73-8300-47D24242DB25
title: Infill Development Points
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
extent: [[-83.5405963109643,39.5521378225183],[-82.2122020935772,40.4349999130872]]
description: The Infill Directory is a display of potential infill sites within the 7 county insight2050 area. The locations are identified by type, (vacant land, parking lots, and planned development sites) and were identified by reviewing aerial photography and parcel data. The directory was completed in February 2017. It should be used as reference only, as some areas may have changed since the inventory was completed. Geography: 7-County region: Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Licking, Madison, and Union. Source: MORPC.
name: InfillDevPoints
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Ohio_South_FIPS_3402_Feet
culture: en-US